A founding team of business, tech & wellness experts

Burgeon Labs was founded in 2020 by two of the most prominent tech CEOs in the world, is run day-to-day by a dedicated and passionate team in Geneva, and is supported by an Advisory Board of world-renowned experts.


Bracken Darrell, Co-founder

Jeff Wilke, Co-founder

Judy Okten, CEO & Co-founder

Anthony Dupre, CTO

Our guiding principles


We are lifelong learners

We seek out the latest science and data-driven insights to empower our community and build better solutions.

We are data obsessed

We are an insights-driven company. We harness data to expand our thinking and doing.

We are healthy through habit

We believe in building sustainable momentum through goal setting, connecting lifestyle changes with long term health benefits.


We are responsive

By accessing real-time data and continually developing, we ensure ultra-personalized and dynamic experiences. We are able to deploy quality solutions and inspire immediate results through intelligent and iterative monitoring, analysis, and response.

We are immersive

We want our users to feel surrounded and supported, joined in our mission to optimize people’s health through technology and data.

We love simplicity

In a world of ever-increasing complexity, we strive for simplicity. The result is solutions that are widely accessible and beautiful in their efficiency and clarity.


Interested in joining a fast-growing health tech startup based in Switzerland?


Contact us


For health optimizers and practitioners interested in piloting the Burgeon Labs platform, please schedule a demo to learn more about our platform.

If you are interested in joining our advisory board, please contact us at science@burgeonlabs.com



Geneva, Switzerland